Rwanda na burundi? Afrika Mashariki
mmeyasikia wana Afrika Mashariki asilia kama mta waweza watutsi na wahutu.rafiki zangu fulani walikuwa wanasema kuwa na jina tutabadilisha kuwa GREAT LAKES AFRICA na pia DRC wantaka kujiunga uoga wangu;jama wasije wakalianzisha huko halafu sie huku tushindwe kupumua.kitu kingine,warwanda wako smart sana yaani wanajua kunyakua na kupata nafasi hawatakuwa kenya nyingine kwenye jumuia hii ambayo tanzania ni waoga kweli wa ushindani na pia kwa kiasi kikubwa bado tumezubaa??,ila kwa kiasi nina furahifurahi kuwa sasa angalau tutawaona mara kwa mara warwanda na burudi(ka european union fulani).
Friday, December 01, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
ukimya kwenye maswala ya ngono na madhara yake
hapa kwetu Tz kama mahala pengi afrika na kwingineko si jambo la kawaida kukuta watu wanazungumzia mambo ya ngono hadharani na hata kwenye vyou vyetu vikuu hili swala ni nadra sana kulikuta kwenye masomo yetu tunayochukua.Hii ni pamoja ya kwamba karibu kila binadamu alityemzima anashiriki tendo hili.
swali langu ni je?kwanini kitendo hichi ambacho ni cha kawaida kabisa tena cha asili hakizungumzwi kabisa??Hii ina ishara gani??tunazungumzia vitu vingi sana vifo,vyakula,uchumi,mazingira?nk kwanini ngono halizungumzwi kwenye vikao vyetu vya umbea??kwanini ni la siri kiasi hiki??
kuna mtu aliniuliza swali kwamba hivi ukiona watu hawapendi kulizungumza jambo fulani unapata tafsiri gani?? nikasema ni vigumu labda hawataki lijulikane ila nikafikiri tena kwamba binadamu siku zote hataki mambo yake mabaya au ya aibu yajuklikane kwa watu wengi,basi nikajibu kuwa jambo ambalo watu hawalizungumzi ni jambo baya.Sasa hivi ngono ni mbaya ndo maana watu hawalizungumzi??
kutokuzungumzia maswala ya ngono hadharani sasa kunatuumbua kwa sababu watu wanapuputika na jamii haijui ifanyeje kwasabau ugonjwa huu unaambukizwa kwa ngono,jambo lile lile ambalo kila mtu hayuko tayari kulizungumzia kwa hiyo unakuta wazazi hawawezi kuzungumza na watoto wao juu ya swala hili,waalimu pia wanapata shida kulifundisha vizuri mashuleni.Watoto kwa sababu wameaambiwa kuwa huo ni mchezo mbaya kwa hivyo hawawezi kulizungumzia kati yao wenyewe kwa sababu utaonekana we ni muhuni na una tabai mbaya.Sasa virusi vinatumia mwanya huo kusambaa.kwa sababu hakuna aliye tayari kusema hadharani kuwa yeye ameshiriki ngono isiyo hakuna anayekubali kuwa yeye anshiriki ngono na watu wengi.
nyakati hizi zinahitaji watu tuzungumzie mambo ya ngono na watoto wetu,wadogo zetu,wanafunzi wetu,marafiki zetu ili tupeane taarifa sahihi na muhimu kwa maisha yetu.Ngono si salama tena na si jambo la siri tena kwa sababu ukimwi umetuonyesha naman watu wasivyo waaminifu.Ni lazima sasa tuifanye mada ya ngono kuwa ya kawaida badala ya kuificha.Tusiwaache watoto wajue ngono siku ya kwanza wanapofanya tendo hilo,au wajue ngono kupitia mitandao inayopotosha au majarida yanayo fanya biashara tu yasiozingatia maadili na madhara yanoyoletwa na michapisho yao wala tusiruhusu wakajua kupitia mikanda au cd za ngono zilizotapakaa mitaani,kwa sababu wakijua kupitia huko basi taarifa hizo zitawapotosha na zitawafanya wahanagamie.
kutokuzungumzia ngono ndio inafanya wasichana wengi waishie vitandani na wanaume bila kinga,bila hiari au utayari na maandalizi ya kutosha,na wanaume kwasabu ni waroho wa jambo hilo wanajisahau kwamba wanahatarisha afya zao wenyewe huku wakijivunia kuwa wameweza kulala na msichana na hivyo kuuthibitsha urijali na uume wao.Enzi hizo mi nadhani zimepitwa na wakati.wale tulio kwenye mahusiano tuzungumze tuseme mapema kwamba leo bwana tukafanye ngono lakini je tuna vifaa??yaani kinga? kwa namna hii mi nafikiri vijana wengi wataweza kuwa na usemi zaidi juu ya mahusiano yao.Ila tukiendelea kunyamazia ngono tendo tamu kuliko zote lakini tendo ambalo sasa hivi ni hatari kuliko yote basi hata vita vyetu dhidi ya ukimwi.imaskini na maradhi yatagonga mwamba.
hapa kwetu Tz kama mahala pengi afrika na kwingineko si jambo la kawaida kukuta watu wanazungumzia mambo ya ngono hadharani na hata kwenye vyou vyetu vikuu hili swala ni nadra sana kulikuta kwenye masomo yetu tunayochukua.Hii ni pamoja ya kwamba karibu kila binadamu alityemzima anashiriki tendo hili.
swali langu ni je?kwanini kitendo hichi ambacho ni cha kawaida kabisa tena cha asili hakizungumzwi kabisa??Hii ina ishara gani??tunazungumzia vitu vingi sana vifo,vyakula,uchumi,mazingira?nk kwanini ngono halizungumzwi kwenye vikao vyetu vya umbea??kwanini ni la siri kiasi hiki??
kuna mtu aliniuliza swali kwamba hivi ukiona watu hawapendi kulizungumza jambo fulani unapata tafsiri gani?? nikasema ni vigumu labda hawataki lijulikane ila nikafikiri tena kwamba binadamu siku zote hataki mambo yake mabaya au ya aibu yajuklikane kwa watu wengi,basi nikajibu kuwa jambo ambalo watu hawalizungumzi ni jambo baya.Sasa hivi ngono ni mbaya ndo maana watu hawalizungumzi??
kutokuzungumzia maswala ya ngono hadharani sasa kunatuumbua kwa sababu watu wanapuputika na jamii haijui ifanyeje kwasabau ugonjwa huu unaambukizwa kwa ngono,jambo lile lile ambalo kila mtu hayuko tayari kulizungumzia kwa hiyo unakuta wazazi hawawezi kuzungumza na watoto wao juu ya swala hili,waalimu pia wanapata shida kulifundisha vizuri mashuleni.Watoto kwa sababu wameaambiwa kuwa huo ni mchezo mbaya kwa hivyo hawawezi kulizungumzia kati yao wenyewe kwa sababu utaonekana we ni muhuni na una tabai mbaya.Sasa virusi vinatumia mwanya huo kusambaa.kwa sababu hakuna aliye tayari kusema hadharani kuwa yeye ameshiriki ngono isiyo hakuna anayekubali kuwa yeye anshiriki ngono na watu wengi.
nyakati hizi zinahitaji watu tuzungumzie mambo ya ngono na watoto wetu,wadogo zetu,wanafunzi wetu,marafiki zetu ili tupeane taarifa sahihi na muhimu kwa maisha yetu.Ngono si salama tena na si jambo la siri tena kwa sababu ukimwi umetuonyesha naman watu wasivyo waaminifu.Ni lazima sasa tuifanye mada ya ngono kuwa ya kawaida badala ya kuificha.Tusiwaache watoto wajue ngono siku ya kwanza wanapofanya tendo hilo,au wajue ngono kupitia mitandao inayopotosha au majarida yanayo fanya biashara tu yasiozingatia maadili na madhara yanoyoletwa na michapisho yao wala tusiruhusu wakajua kupitia mikanda au cd za ngono zilizotapakaa mitaani,kwa sababu wakijua kupitia huko basi taarifa hizo zitawapotosha na zitawafanya wahanagamie.
kutokuzungumzia ngono ndio inafanya wasichana wengi waishie vitandani na wanaume bila kinga,bila hiari au utayari na maandalizi ya kutosha,na wanaume kwasabu ni waroho wa jambo hilo wanajisahau kwamba wanahatarisha afya zao wenyewe huku wakijivunia kuwa wameweza kulala na msichana na hivyo kuuthibitsha urijali na uume wao.Enzi hizo mi nadhani zimepitwa na wakati.wale tulio kwenye mahusiano tuzungumze tuseme mapema kwamba leo bwana tukafanye ngono lakini je tuna vifaa??yaani kinga? kwa namna hii mi nafikiri vijana wengi wataweza kuwa na usemi zaidi juu ya mahusiano yao.Ila tukiendelea kunyamazia ngono tendo tamu kuliko zote lakini tendo ambalo sasa hivi ni hatari kuliko yote basi hata vita vyetu dhidi ya ukimwi.imaskini na maradhi yatagonga mwamba.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The use of condoms in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
I understand that most people oppose the current movement against the fight against HIV pandemic,which insist the use of condoms.
majority of people,especially those with religiou background do oppose the use of condoms.they contend that condoms increase promiscuousity among people. Others outside religion believe that condoms are not effective.They on the other hand say that condoms are not scientifically HIV proof. Yet others still say that condoms are ineffective because it reduces the sexual enjoyment.
what is the solution?
Religoius people propose two things,
Abstain until marriage and once you are married be Faithful.
I a gree.these are the best protection methods against the virus.
what i don't a gree with is, they don't want to consider condom as an option too.while it might be easy for them to use religion to abstain,all people are not as religious as they are.
while it is a very good point to be faithful, it is a common knowledge that majority of people are NOT happy in their relationships(marriage) and seek sexual satisfaction outside.others can't just be satisfied with one partner and therefore tend to have multiple sexual partners.All these people however need to be protected against HIV/AIDS and so far the only way by which people can be safe and still enjoy their sexual freedom is to use protection(condom).that is for those who for one reason or the other cannot either abstain or be faithful.Statistically they are the majority.
For those who doubt the efectiveness of condoms as a tool,I would say that they are questioning the credibility of organisations like the UN,and even their own GOVERNMENT.I don't think that our government will allow its citizens to use something which is not effective.the UN is the world body with facilities and experts from around all the world,there are scientist from all walks of life.they wouldn't sit down and allow and even campaign for something which is not I urge them that if they believe the UN in other health campaigns it has carried out and succeeded in,then they should believe it even more now because this campaign need more individual commitment and willingness to change behavior so that we reduce and and eventually stop the pandemic.That alone should prove beyond doubts that condoms are effective.
The problem is, people have not been using it consistently and correctly as a result people still get pregnant,HIV and other STDs.
For those who think that using a condom is not enjoyable.Sexual enjoyment and satisfaction is an issue of attitude and readiness.Many people can attain sexual satisfaction even without actual point here is many people are not used to condoms and whenever they use it,the do so hurriedly and incorrectly, these, added to the negative attitude held against it leads to a dissappointing sexual experiencei.Condoms when used correctly ,consistently and in arelaxed way leads to sexual enjoyment and satisfaction as usual.all you have to do is to talk with your partner,agree and use it in an environment which is free and you'll be surprised
Let us not lie to ourselves.HIV/AIDS is apandemic which has claimed many peoples' lives and still continue to do so.More and more people are having more sex than before as freedom of premarital sex is becoming normal in our socities. It 's better to have sex more and more but in a safe way than to pretend that we abstain or be faithful and then have unsafe sex.However this is a personal preference,sex is real and good and appealing,but HIV is also real and choose between an extremely exciting unprotected sex plus HIV or a very good satisfying sex with condoms.condoms are safe.
I understand that most people oppose the current movement against the fight against HIV pandemic,which insist the use of condoms.
majority of people,especially those with religiou background do oppose the use of condoms.they contend that condoms increase promiscuousity among people. Others outside religion believe that condoms are not effective.They on the other hand say that condoms are not scientifically HIV proof. Yet others still say that condoms are ineffective because it reduces the sexual enjoyment.
what is the solution?
Religoius people propose two things,
Abstain until marriage and once you are married be Faithful.
I a gree.these are the best protection methods against the virus.
what i don't a gree with is, they don't want to consider condom as an option too.while it might be easy for them to use religion to abstain,all people are not as religious as they are.
while it is a very good point to be faithful, it is a common knowledge that majority of people are NOT happy in their relationships(marriage) and seek sexual satisfaction outside.others can't just be satisfied with one partner and therefore tend to have multiple sexual partners.All these people however need to be protected against HIV/AIDS and so far the only way by which people can be safe and still enjoy their sexual freedom is to use protection(condom).that is for those who for one reason or the other cannot either abstain or be faithful.Statistically they are the majority.
For those who doubt the efectiveness of condoms as a tool,I would say that they are questioning the credibility of organisations like the UN,and even their own GOVERNMENT.I don't think that our government will allow its citizens to use something which is not effective.the UN is the world body with facilities and experts from around all the world,there are scientist from all walks of life.they wouldn't sit down and allow and even campaign for something which is not I urge them that if they believe the UN in other health campaigns it has carried out and succeeded in,then they should believe it even more now because this campaign need more individual commitment and willingness to change behavior so that we reduce and and eventually stop the pandemic.That alone should prove beyond doubts that condoms are effective.
The problem is, people have not been using it consistently and correctly as a result people still get pregnant,HIV and other STDs.
For those who think that using a condom is not enjoyable.Sexual enjoyment and satisfaction is an issue of attitude and readiness.Many people can attain sexual satisfaction even without actual point here is many people are not used to condoms and whenever they use it,the do so hurriedly and incorrectly, these, added to the negative attitude held against it leads to a dissappointing sexual experiencei.Condoms when used correctly ,consistently and in arelaxed way leads to sexual enjoyment and satisfaction as usual.all you have to do is to talk with your partner,agree and use it in an environment which is free and you'll be surprised
Let us not lie to ourselves.HIV/AIDS is apandemic which has claimed many peoples' lives and still continue to do so.More and more people are having more sex than before as freedom of premarital sex is becoming normal in our socities. It 's better to have sex more and more but in a safe way than to pretend that we abstain or be faithful and then have unsafe sex.However this is a personal preference,sex is real and good and appealing,but HIV is also real and choose between an extremely exciting unprotected sex plus HIV or a very good satisfying sex with condoms.condoms are safe.
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